In Memoriam – Class of ’71

The shadows in the fall of those who walked the halls and picnicked on the mall are held so near, the faces in our hearts of those who had to part are memories that we will always hold so dear…
Debbie Andrik
Dawn Atchison
Jay Barker
Joan Betsworth
Sandra Brooks
Scott Boydell
Yvonne Carter
Steve Chappell
Joan Colasanti
Dave Cox
Christene Crow
Jeff Dawley
Steve Dillion
Linda Dodds
Alene Dyer
Chris Eaton
Kevin Feeney
Beth Feller
Paul Fisher
Roger Goff
Robert “Rob” Goffigon
James Gordon
Robert Graham
Lin Hall
Shaun Haygood
Arthur Jones
Jerry Klaeser
Linda Mattier
Kevin McFadden
Doreen Meyer
John Nissan
Sean Oliver
Bill Peters
Ray Reidel
Louie Repucci
Linda Ridinger
Ronald Rizzio
Mary Seastrand
Dennis Sergott
Harold Stallings
Richard Thayre
Ken Van Deventer
Russell Velasquez
Gary Vianelli